Fresco Rooftop Gardening I Grow with Fresco

Fresco Centre of Precision Farming (CPF) is a revolution in the way vegetables are cultivated in India. We are the first and largest commercial Hydroponic growing company in India. We produce branded fresh and superior quality vegetables in India and in other countries. With 10 years of our experience in growing vegetables and supplying to millions of customers across globe, now we want to help enthusiastic and health-conscious residents to setup their vegetable garden at home with minimal effort and care and most importantly economical at 30 to 50% less than market price. Our motive is simple .

Eat what you grow and feel the joy of growing your own organic / residue free food.

With lot of research and analysis from different set of families and their inputs we have come up with different packages with Plug and play model which can yield sufficient vegetables for families ranging 2 to 20 members

With innovative way of setting up your garden and instructions we provide you, even 6 years old kid can joyfully maintain the garden.

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Self-watering Pots

NFT Hydroponics
